E-Mail Answering Support Services

Email Answering Services is all about managing emails of clients, it includes managing customer queries regarding admin, sales and support. At outsource back office we specialize in managing email answering services within quality standards.

Services included in Email Answering Services:

  • Application Processing
  • Claim Processing
  • Subscription Services
  • Pre Sale / After Sale Email Answering
  • After Sale Email Answering
  • Support Email Answering
  • Ticket Support
  • Product Information Support
  • Email Answering Services
  • Technical Support & Help desk

Many more services can be included in Email Answering Services above list is just a brief introduction of services we can manage at our end. Hiring web based help desk may helps you in number of cases, some of the key points are as follows:

  • Time: Save your time by hiring us for repetetive email or ticket answering and concentrate on your core business.
  • Cost: Cost is anothe main factor as your inhouse resources are free and you can dedicate your resources in more fruitful ventures.
  • Quality: As we are expertise in managing emails and ticket support hence it’s far more easy for us to maintain quality standards.
  • Time: We are able to manage email and ticket support in timely manner, it may be a small job or in volume we are here to complete it on time.

If you are planning to outsource your email or ticket support, please feel free to contact us or just fill below listed form and we get back to you within 12 working hours.


    Company Name:


    Email Address:

    Hiring Type or Back Office Requirement:
    Hire Remote or Virtual Employees (Full Time)Start a Smart Back Office (1 Manager + 6 Operators)Hire Operators on Hourly Basis

    Services Needed:
    Back Office ServicesMarketing ServicesWebmaster ServicesWeb HelpdeskBPO or KPO ServicesCustom Requirements

    Project Duration:
    Less Than 1 Month1 to 3 month3 to 6 month6 to 12 monthMore Than 1 YearNot Sure

    Team Requirement (Number of Operators)
    Less than 3 Operators3 – 10 Operators10 – 25 Operators26 – 50 OperatorsMore than 50 Operators

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