There’s a growing trend that back office employees are demanded to support organization branches and customers while meeting delivery demands. This can be particularly demanding and tough for employees, as they are expected to be fully focused while the phone rings ceaselessly. It may sound good from any productive planning perspective for employees to do multiple things at once, but this could cause customer service levels to suffer. Back office employees like contact center agents are regularly asked to handle outbound and inbound calls, monitor social media posts and respond to emails and instant messages. It won’t solve the problem when employees also have long work tasks queue.
Customers typically want very quick responses, but employees that support customers also process other things, such as web form applications. To make the whole thing works, companies should turn to efficient workload management solutions, which properly combines non-real time tasks and real-time phone calls.
The solution can distribute these tasks evenly to employees. As an example, in a financing company, the system monitors rules based on specific values such as business priorities, service level agreements and customers segments. It will give employees recommendation on whether they should work on non-real time work tasks or push a phone call.
This is an innovative concept in back office field since it allows employees to be more focused. The much reduced interruptions can help to maintain service levels for both phone-based supports and others tasks, while increasing overall productivity. This is possible as the system decides on the type work that should be distributed to employees.
If you are planning to outsource your marketing and search engine optimization to outsource back office, please feel free to contact us or just fill below listed form and we get back to you within 24 hours time.